PM News Stories
The four biggest people management mistakes on transformation projects
Alistair Sergeant argues that the 4 biggest people management mistakes are:
Not allocating the right resources,
Not being clear about why the change is happening,
Not knowing the stakeholders, and
Focusing on the wrong stakeholders.
Change Is Constant: This Is The New Work Ecosystem
Sunil Prashara, President and CEO of Project Management Institute (PMI), describes his vision of the new work ecosystem. He argues that when the pandemic ends, this constant change will only continue. There will be no “new normal”. The article highlights:
The importance of developing new skills,
The need to foster innovation,
Why we should harness technology to enable people, and that
It's a project leader's world!
Note Taking on Apple Devices
If you have an Apple Device (iPod touch, iPhone, iPad or Mac make sure that you're making the most of the great notebook for your projects that's with you and backed up on iCloud. Most people don't realise how useful that built-in app can be to your productivity. Apple's support page takes you through the basics:
Creating, deleting, and pinning a note,
Drawing, formatting notes,
Adding attachments, photos & videos,
Organising in folders,
Searching for notes or attachments, and
Sharing & securing notes.
In addition you can:
Add notes with Siri (even with your Apple Watch or a HomePod,
Scan in documents, and even make tables.
Using AI to Transform Accountancy and Cyber Risk Management.
Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN) interviewed three of their member organisations that were successful in securing an Innovate UK grant through the Industrial Strategy Next Generation Services Challenge Programme. Take a look at their experiences.