Poor sponsorship is the major contributing factor to project failure. Sponsors often don’t fully appreciate their pivotal role, or as a result make or delegate the time for the task. There is a wealth of resources for project managers, but oddly very little for project sponsors, and we aim to put that right here.
As Tony Adams in his super article 'Keeping Your Project Sponsor Satisfied' put it, one of the best tools in the Project Manager’s kit is a positive, flag-waving Sponsor. In fact, nothing shapes your success in quite the same way as having an engaged, switched-on Project Champion sitting in the Big Chair – leading the charge, clearing roadblocks, keeping momentum and giving your project that all-important credibility.
As ProjExc explain whereas the PM is responsible for creating the deliverables which create a capability for an organisation, the sponsor is accountable for ensuring that the organisation realises the benefits from that capability long after the project is completed. The sponsor sits across the project and the business and should provide essential leadership. The perfect sponsor is an executive with ultimate accountability. If they can't fulfil the role on a day-to-day basis then they must delegate (not abdicate) tasks to ensure that the PM is not left stranded.